Links to Health Information
What do you want to know?
Research tells us the many Australians turn to the internet to learn about health. However, we know that they also like to discuss their findings with their GP. Our health team understands that patients are motivated to learn about health issues and we are happy to answer your questions. Web page links have been provided to assist you to acquire further information.
The links provided are web sites that are not operated or managed by the Narre Warren Clinic. We have chosen sites that appear to be reputable. However, Narre Warren Clinic is not responsible for any information provided by these sites. Each site will also have its own policies on privacy and other matters.
We welcome your feedback on these links, and also your suggestions. You can report broken links to carlene@narrewarrenclinic.com.au
General information
Health information in many languages
Women's health, children and adolescents
Men's health
Sports Injury and Prevention
Self-help for mental health
Links A-D
- Advance Care Planning
- Allergy
- Alzheimer's Australia
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alcohol & Drugs
- Anaphylaxis
- Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety: Beyond Blue
- Anxiety: Mindspot
- Arthritis
- Arthritis: About Joint Pain
- Asthma: National Asthma Council
- Asthma: Asthma Australia
- Autism in Adults
- Brain Disorders
- Brain Injury
- Bowel and Digestive Diseases
- Bowel-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Cancer
- Chronic Illness Alliance
- Chylamidia
- Coeliac Disease
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool
- Diet
- Diet: Tips for healthy eating
- Disability Services
- Dementia
- Dementia: Dementia Care
- Dementia: About Dementia
- Depression: Beyond Blue
- Depression: Black Dog Institute
- Depression: Preventative Care (MoodGYM)
- Depression: Mindspot
Links E-Z
- Eating Disorders
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- eGP - Epilepsy in General Practice
- Epilepsy and Mortality
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Health and Wellbeing
- Glaucoma
- Genetic Carrier Screening
- Headache
- Heart Disease
- Heat Wave Health
- Hepatitis
- HIV: HIV and Healthy Living
- Incontinence
- Kidney Disease
- Lymphoedema
- Lung Disease
- Macular Degeneration
- Medication
- Medication - over the counter
- Melanoma
- Melanoma - Clinical guidelines
- Medical Imaging - Q & A
- Medical Imaging - a guide
- Meningitis
- Mesothelioma Australian support
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Osteoporosis
- Relaxation...smiling mind
- Sexual Health: STI
- Sexual Health: Herpes
- Sexual Health: Chlamydia
- Sexual Health: Family Planning
- Skin
- Skin Cancer
- Sleep Health
- Smoking
- Sports Injury Prevention
- Stroke
- Suicide
- Thyroid Disease
- Tinnitus
- Veterans Counselling
- Veterans: CVC Program
- Vision
- Warfarin